While I'm at Cadet Nationals, there are lots of thoughts going through my mind.  Here are a few - 

-  I really love wrestling. I feel at home on the mat. 
- There is nothing like the feeling of trying something and it works!
- These guys are true friends. They are from all over the country and we may not get to see each other a lot, but we understand each other and support each other. 
- I am making my list of things to work on. It gets longer by the day!
Some people search their whole life to find something that will make them happy.  They look for a constant state of euphoria. They think that true happiness comes and stays forever.  They imagine a life that is carefree and laughter, but cannot obtain that.  They don't understand why the grass always looks greener on the other side of the fence. 

I know why. Technically, when you look at grass from a distance, it does look green.  When you stand on the grass you can look down to the roots and dirt.  That isn't attractive, but it is necessary and it is real.

Wrestling (and life) is like that for me.  There are times that it looks like a lot of fun when you are looking at it from a distance.  In reality, it takes work, dirt and sweat. These things aren't fun, but they are necessary.  I've learned that fun, and success, comes in short intervals, surrounded by lots of hard work and effort.  

Want to be happy? Enjoy the moment for what it is, not what you think it should be.  Don't lock it up in a looking glass.  Learn to play in the dirt and like it.  Laugh and let it go.  You will look back and see true happiness because you won't see the dirt and work anymore.  You'll just have the memories, the roots, the happiness.
Life is a whirlwind right now.  I can barely catch my breath. Sometimes it seems unbelievable that my goal is this close to being realized.  I can't imagine what lies ahead, what I am capable of.  I have spent the last few weeks training and studying, studying and training.  Whatever free time I had I have tried to reflect on what I want most in my life.  The answer is never simple, but for me, I know it is the right choice. 

Now is the time to set new goals and work toward them.  The road ahead will be rough, but it is what I want.  It will take dedication and determination. When other kids my age are playing X-box, I will be studying.  When they are hanging out with friends, I will be drilling.  When they are watching TV, I will be reviewing tape.  I don't want to look back and say I should have taken the opportunity.  

I can only last for 6 minutes alone.  If I win,  you will be there to celebrate with me.  If I complain,  you will remind me why I chose this.  If I lose, you will be there to pick me up and tell me to start again.  If I stumble and fall, you will wait for me to get up and learn a new way to do it.  If I didn't have you, I couldn't do this at all.  You will probably never hear it, but you make my dreams come true.  Thank you.