The person I idolize has quit 2 times now.  What a terrible feeling it was when Rulon Gardner laid his shoes on the mat in Athens, signifying his retirement from the sport of wrestling.  At the 2000 Sydney Summer Olympics, Gardner pulled off one of the biggest upsets in Olympic history by defeating a man who many believed could not be beat -- Russian Alexander Karelin.  Four years later, Gardner took Bronze in Athens and retired.  Now Rulon has quit "The Biggest Loser" without so much as an explanation. 

His trainers, the other contestants and the media demanded a reason, but he gave none.  I realize that he has larger plans. Perhaps he is needed at home with his family.  Maybe he will return to wrestling.  I don't know what his plans are, but I don't need to. Knowing those plans should not change how I feel about him and his accomplishments.  Being disappointed in him will only close my mind to the possibilities in the future. 

What do I learn from this?  Sometimes you have to walk away in order to win next time.  Don't sacrifice what you have to do because others may not understand.  Don't be afraid to break the mold.  It will become clear with time.  The rest will come if it is meant to be. Being true to yourself is how you become the biggest winner. 

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