My 2011 folkstyle season is over and my 2012 freestyle and Greco seasons are uncertain.  On November 8, 2011, I suffered an injury during wrestling practice.  The injury to my elbow is a complete tear of the UCL and a partial tear of the common flexor tendon. I am doing physical therapy now to build strength and surgery may be in my future. 

This past month I have had very conflicted feelings. I have learned many things about the people around me and myself.

Actions really do speak louder than words. The people who have helped me the most are the ones who have talked to me about anything, not just wrestling.  They include friends like Caleb, Justin, Brianna, Dylan, Haley and Christina.  They appreciate me for the many things I am beyond being a wrestler.   

Saying “I’m sorry” matters. It may seem like simple words, but it is so much more than that. It is an acknowledgement of your actions against another. It is the first step in changing the behavior of the person saying it.  Without those words, they will never truly change.

To triumph despite obstacles is the greatest achievement. My eyes are firmly set on the international team qualifier in May. To participate in that will be an accomplishment.

I see what they mean when they say ‘when life gives you lemons, make lemonade’.  I hope that this injury will not prevent me from wrestling in the future because I love the sport so much. I think this is a good opportunity to help others realize that anger and carelessness have no place on the mat.  I'm not sure how I will share that message, but I am going to try. 

No one thing defines you. I am blessed to be intelligent and motivated to become a physician.  This injury hopefully will not limit those choices in the future. 

Thank you to everyone who has lifted me up in word or deed this past month.  Please continue, and if you haven’t – please start. I will need the support of everyone to heal. 

The last lesson I have learned from this experience is - 

Revenge has its place in life.  As Marcus Aurelius said – “The best revenge is to be unlike him who performed the injury.”

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